Tuesday, May 29, 2012

American Idols

Ha ha so I have been reading a book called Empty Promises by: Pete Wilson and one of the major things we do as humans is create idols. Not just idols like buddah but things like work and achievements what do we need to make ourselves feel good and create a euphoria. What is crazy is that the sermons these past two weeks have been about idol's and not placing anything before God and that we are to not create idols or worship any other Gods. I mean it is more and more prevelent if we look at it at the fact that we are creating them without even knowing. So I was thinking about what do I have that is an idol and I thought of two things..... 1. Cell Phone and 2. Sports and working out...  I do not go anywhere without my cell phone I feel almost lost when I forget it or I am seperated from it. When I workout or play sports I get such a euphoria going that I feel like I am on top of the world. But in all reality these things just control my attitude and my life. I will never be at the top of the world but I sure do think I am when I get my mind set on working out.  I want to place God first in my life and not let my phone control my life. And to remind myself when I am exercising that its for me to feel healthier but also to take care of the life and body that God has given me.

What are you putting before God? What is your Idol?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


So I am a huge fitness buff the place I feel safest is in the gym. I can exercise everyday of the week for hours upon hours even though my body probly doesnt do so well. Today for example I had two rounds at L.A. Fitness in Avondale. Round 1 was a 2 mile run followed by a 20 mile bike ride. I live for the gym and for those who know me know that my health has been in question the last few years I have gone in and out of hospitals and then injury after injury the latest one is a slight tear in my rotator cuff and severe tendenitis. Today was the day I decided I was going to test my shoulder and workout with it because up until now all ive done is cardio. Well I'm so focused on my physical exercise I have been slacking on my spiritual exercise......
             Exercise daily in God.. no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful,   but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever.-- 1 Timothy 4:8

Spiritual flabbiness ha ha what an awesome word to think about! It just like if we dont work out physical we gain things we dont want to have because it makes us feel uncomfortable in our own skin well if we don't workout spiritualy then we gain the flab that hinders us and makes us uncomfortable because we have this thing called a conscious which tells us whats wrong and whats right. So just like we focus on getting our body into shape we need to get our relationship with God big and strong and by doing that we will be able to feel amazing about ourselves.!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What if?

As a speratic reader I wks now reading 1 Timothy and the question chapter 1 brings up is what if God is using us to be that final push in someone else's life when their on the verge of making a life changing decision. I mean think about it if U put that in perspective shouldnt we be more careful with what we do? How do we influence those around us ? But if we are always living in the light we need not worry because we are living exactly how he wanted us to live! I mean his grace and love is poured out on us as in Jesus Christ so why should we hide it? Maybe its time to realize your an example to someone and they do look up to you!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Job and his lessons....

So I have been reading the book of Job lately for the first time. At first I was so excited how Job had such great friends who were there for them then I had some friends tell me that they were not such great friends after all later in the story. I was a little bummed after this one. But I think if we all went through trials like Job we would struggle just as well and in todays society I think it would be even worse the way our "friends" would treat us. Today in society it feels like friends are made based on possessions instead of a valued friendship. There is one dude I can honestly say is my best friend and I know he will always be there because we have been through some crazy times and even when we wouldn't talk for months at a time when we hung out it was like we just hung out the day before and we hadn't missed a heartbeat. When God talks to Job and question his authority and asking Job who he was to make decisions Job realizes that he has made a mistake. He ask's for forgiveness and God being the loving father forgave him and then allowed him to help his friends out. And after this and Job relied on God for everything and he was blessed far greater than when he didn't fully rely on God. So if we could just rely on God even in the tough times we will do far better than when we rely on just ourselves.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How crazy...

<p>I'm sitting here on the couch at CCV watching the diamondbacks game .. it is just amazing how open the people here are I have been so welcome here and doors continue to open! Sometimes it is hard to take large steps but sometimes you got to put on your big boy pants and take it and it turns out to be such a great step. If we trust god in all of our steps we will truly be surprised at the amazing things he can do!!! It is when we don't trust him that we feel miserable and like a failure , so help yourself out and trust in him cuz he will lead you to success and the path of awesomeness!!! God truly
Is amazing and we need to thank him for everything!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Financial Responsibility what a sore subject...

So tonight in neighborhood group we talked about are goals and what has held us back from what God has planned for us and how to use what God has gifted us with to not only think about ourselves but to think about each other because if it was all about us then why does anyone else matter we wouldn't have to compare ourselves to anyone or have anyone to argue with because it would just be you! I have learned through this series that CCV is doing "The Blessed Life" that we shouldn't have regrets if we are spending our money wisely because where we put our money our heart follows that is not the same as we put our money where our heart is. My goal is to start budgeting my income and get out of debt even on my brand new car as soon as possible because it just seems realistic and doable at this point in my life and I believe that life will be 1 step closer to being completely set free from any financial burdens.

God cannot do evil...

So it is four o' clock in the morning when I got up the Wuerfel's are on their way to Colorado to spend some quality time with God. I was just reminded how good Cookie Crisp are and how they satisfy my overly large stomach but I'm ok with that :)

I was thinking this morning during my reading time that isn't it true when we as "christians" face trials and endure hardships we blame God? I mean whens the last time you thanked God for giving you a flat tire? Job suffered these same thoughts and it made me realize that these hard ships are not meant to hurt us because God can do no evil. He is not capable of doing it so the only two ways bad things can happen is if God is correcting us in which he is not doing evil things he is just teaching you the ways of the wise I guess you could say and if it is evil it would be that adam henry named the devil who is bringing you down. So when your going through a rough time just drop down to your knees and pray for God's help and protection because anything that happens God will help get you  through trust me.