Monday, April 30, 2012

Job and his lessons....

So I have been reading the book of Job lately for the first time. At first I was so excited how Job had such great friends who were there for them then I had some friends tell me that they were not such great friends after all later in the story. I was a little bummed after this one. But I think if we all went through trials like Job we would struggle just as well and in todays society I think it would be even worse the way our "friends" would treat us. Today in society it feels like friends are made based on possessions instead of a valued friendship. There is one dude I can honestly say is my best friend and I know he will always be there because we have been through some crazy times and even when we wouldn't talk for months at a time when we hung out it was like we just hung out the day before and we hadn't missed a heartbeat. When God talks to Job and question his authority and asking Job who he was to make decisions Job realizes that he has made a mistake. He ask's for forgiveness and God being the loving father forgave him and then allowed him to help his friends out. And after this and Job relied on God for everything and he was blessed far greater than when he didn't fully rely on God. So if we could just rely on God even in the tough times we will do far better than when we rely on just ourselves.

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