Wednesday, April 25, 2012

God cannot do evil...

So it is four o' clock in the morning when I got up the Wuerfel's are on their way to Colorado to spend some quality time with God. I was just reminded how good Cookie Crisp are and how they satisfy my overly large stomach but I'm ok with that :)

I was thinking this morning during my reading time that isn't it true when we as "christians" face trials and endure hardships we blame God? I mean whens the last time you thanked God for giving you a flat tire? Job suffered these same thoughts and it made me realize that these hard ships are not meant to hurt us because God can do no evil. He is not capable of doing it so the only two ways bad things can happen is if God is correcting us in which he is not doing evil things he is just teaching you the ways of the wise I guess you could say and if it is evil it would be that adam henry named the devil who is bringing you down. So when your going through a rough time just drop down to your knees and pray for God's help and protection because anything that happens God will help get you  through trust me.

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