Sunday, April 22, 2012

Life as it is....

April 22, 2012

So these last two weeks have been ridiculously hectic I have been staying with the most loving family ever. They are truly a blessing in my life. I know that God has a reason for putting me on this path and I truly cannot wait to see where it leads to. My whole life has taken a 360 degree turn in all of the normal things I was in the routine of doing. The opportunities that are being opened because of the change in my life have been so tremendous I cannot thank God enough.

I do miss my parents though the most and that has been the toughest thing being away from home is not being able to see my mom and dad because they have always been there for me and I Love them so very much but I think they understand life and its roller coasters and we are all growing a stronger bond because of the maturing that is happening. It is crazy though you always have to count your blessings and be thankful for everything you have because you never know when things will change.

I have been spending quite some time in the book of Job and let me tell you that is one interesting story because Job has some crazy friends. I mean if my friends talked to me like that and I was being crazy attacked by satan like he is during the story, I would be very angry too! Tonights reading was in chapter 23 and I think this applies to everyones life because it is the truth!
                       "God makes my heart sink! God Almight gives me the shudders! I'm completely in
                         the dark. I can't see my hand in front of my face."- Job 23: 16-17

I think God is someone to fear. I know when I think about all the times I have dropped the ball so to say or have completely screwed up like I do quite often to think of what God would say if he was in the flesh right then and there my heart would sink like when your a little kid and you do something wrong and your parents are there to punish you and you get that woozy feeling in your stomach because you don't know what is going to happen. The good thing about this though is that he forgives us for are mistakes and I am constantly reminded of this everytime I get down on my failures. God loves us so much that he gave his one and only son for us so we could have eternal life!! I mean Job sure didnt have it easy but I still think he relied on God or still had the sense that God didn't abandon him.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you!!! Even though I miss you like crazy, I am so thankful for you and I'm so excited to see all the things that God is doing in your life and what He is teaching you and how He's using you to impact others for Christ! I love you so so much....keep being you and don't ever change who you are for someone else!
